5 Essential Cable Management Tips

When it comes to an industrial set up, there’s so much that you have to take care of. Your ethernet cables being one of the most important things of all. When you are installing network cables at your facility, you must plan the installation in such a way that the cables don’t get damaged and can be used for a long time.
This organization of cables in a systematic manner is called as cable management. Almost every major industry understands its importance and therefore follows different cable management guidelines. It offers you a productive and cost-effective LAN system along with other benefits beyond your thoughts.
Are you aware of how to keep your cables from damaging? In case you don’t, go through the below-given tips:
• Know Your Cabling Requirements
The first step towards installing ethernet cables is deciding the type of cable that you need. The usage of the internet differs from one industry to another. You just have to evaluate your requirements and then shop for cables accordingly. Choosing the right cable also depends upon the type of environment they are being installed at. There are fiber, optic, Cat 5e cables. Category 6a cable, and more cables to look for. You can run by their features before making the purchase.
• Keep The Cable Length In Mind
Once you know which cable to use, the next thing to do is measure its length for installation. Don’t leave any unwanted piece of wire hanging as it might cause messiness and breakage. Similarly, make sure that you have enough cable for the entire area. Using shorter cables means that it will be stretched and is more likely to get damaged. That is why you must carry out measurements beforehand.
• Color Code The Cables
Another common industrial cabling management tip is color-coding. You can find this concept in actions at various facilities. While placing the cables, you can color each cable cords from both ends so that there’s no confusion between which switch is whose. Besides, it saves a lot of your time and effort. You will realize the importance of color-coding best when you will have to change the cables or shift their locations.
• Use Hooks To Secure The Cables
After installing the cables instead of letting them lie randomly, you can arrange them systematically to avoid any problem. The cables that are running through the wall can be attached to it with the help of hooks. Hooking the wires also prevents it from tangling with each other and being worn out. Always ensure that you don’t use nail or staple material since it can lead to some major safety concerns.
• Be Patient With Them
Lastly, the key to keeping your ethernet cables in good condition is being careful with it all the time. In case any of the cable needs terminations do not rush through it as it will do you no good but will rather cause more issues during troubleshooting. Network cables are very delicate and need to be taken proper care of. From its type to the environment, and length everything places a huge role in cabling.
Dintek is an online e-commerce platform where you can shop for different LAN cables along with various other complementary equipment.